3 Steps to Overcoming Judgement Surrounding How You Choose to Feed Your Baby

As the mother of a newborn, you might be on the receiving end of lots of unwarranted advice. Sometimes, your loved ones will offer you tips and reassurance that help you feel more confident as a parent.

But other times, people in your life may dole out unsolicited comments about important parenting decisions. This can leave you feeling uncertain and insecure.

Unfortunately, many women face judgment over how they choose to feed their babies. Women are often criticized for using formula to feed their babies. If you’re supplementing your baby’s diet with formula, or you rely on formula to feed your baby, you might be frustrated by the judgement you’ve gotten from people who say they mean well.

During this vulnerable time in your life, it can be difficult to defend your own decisions. But with time, you can gain self-assurance in your parenting decisions and learn to overcome judgments about how to feed your baby.

Here are a few tips that will help you stay focused on your own wellbeing and tune out judgement.

Remember What Matters Most

If you are unable to breastfeed your baby, this does not mean you have failed as a mother. It’s important to remember that feeding your baby formula is perfectly healthy, and that you understand what your baby needs.

Many people do not realize that breastfeeding can be difficult or even impossible for some women. And din some cases, women who are able to breastfeed sometimes still need to incorporate formula into their baby’s diet.

Nothing is more important than ensuring that you are healthy and your baby is fed. If someone makes a judgmental comment towards you for formula-feeding your baby, take a moment to remind yourself that your family’s wellbeing is your priority.

Even you loved ones are not entitled to make crucial health decisions for you. This is an informed choice that you have made. You understand your own needs and the needsdof your baby better than they do.

Consult Your Doctor

What if judgments from other people have caused you to doubt whether you should include formula in your baby’s diet? Perhaps the criticism is nagging at you. Now, you don’t feel so sure of your decision anymore.

Rather than allowing other people to introduce doubts into your mind, it’s best to consult your doctor at times like this. Remember that they have recommended formula to you for an informed reason.

Ultimately, their recommendations are backed by their thorough medical education. They are highly informed on this issue and have supported plenty of other mothers throughout this process.

When you have an in-depth understanding of the benefits of formula for mothers and babies, you’ll feel more secure in your choice.

Set Boundaries

Finally, you may have realized that some people in your life will never fully trust your reasoning or accept your decision. You have the right to set boundaries with people who continue to judge you even when it’s clear that you and your baby are thriving with formula. If they make another comment, you are well within your rights to tell them that the topic is no longer up for discussion.

You can avoid this particular topic with certain friends or relatives who are unable to refrain from making such comments. Your mental health is important. If discussing formula-feeding with some people has become stressful, you do not have to engage in these conversations.

Are you struggling with judgments of your parenting style? Talking to a therapist can help ease your worries. Reach out today to discuss your options for scheduling your first session.