Getting in Shape in the New Year? How Weight Training Benefits Your Mental Health

Perhaps you know all about the benefits of lifting weights, but the thought of heading into the weight room at the gym intimidates you. There are lots of misconceptions about weight lifting and how difficult it really is.

The truth is that you can start lifting at any ability level, as long as you know your limits and listen to your body. Plus, weight lifting can be a boon for both your mental and physical health! Lifting doesn’t just help you build muscle and tone up. It can also boost your mood, help you let go of daily stress, and increase your self-esteem.

Here’s how lifting weights can actually contribute to better mental health.

Exercise Releases Endorphins

Any form of exercise can make you feel happier and less stressed out. Why is exercise such a powerful mood-boosting activity? It’s because physical activity releases endorphins.

Endorphins are chemicals in your brain that actually cause you to feel happy. When you exercise, your brain is flooded with endorphins, which puts a spring in your step!

Although weight lifting can seem grueling at times, it will lift your spirits in the long run—even after a particularly difficult lifting session!

Building Self-Confidence

Lifting weights isn’t easy. But the effort is very much worth it. This becomes especially true when you realize you can lift heavier and heavier weights, and when you notice visible progress in the mirror.

When you realize that you’re capable of doing more than you anticipated, you’ll notice that your self-confidence increases in other areas of your life, too. You can develop a better self-image and put your best foot forward.

Shift Your Focus

If you’re feeling anxious or experiencing symptoms of depression, it can be hard not to ruminate on everything that’s going wrong in your life. But when you’re lifting weights, you’re so keenly focused on your workout that you don’t have the opportunity to ruminate.

It’s true that brushing difficult feelings under the rug is not an effective way to process your emotions. However, weight lifting allows you to release the stress, anxiety, and sadness you feel as you work out. By the time your session is done, you’ll feel clear-headed and lighter.

Embrace Challenges

Weight lifting is certainly a challenge! Sometimes, it’s tempting to shy away from challenges. After all, going out of your comfort zone is always a little bit scary. But by choosing to lift weights and continue making progress, even when it feels physically difficult, you get comfortable with embracing challenges.

And when you overcome one challenge, it’s easier to feel motivated about taking on challenges outside of the gym, too. You might feel inspired to pursue a promotion at work, kick off a major creative project, learn a new language, or pick up another hobby!

Gain Sense of Accomplishment

Maybe you’ve been feeling down on yourself lately. If you’re stuck in a rut, it can be hard to encourage yourself to go for your goals. But giving weight lifting a try might change your mindset.

As you lift weights regularly, you can keep track of your progress. While progress doesn’t happen overnight, you’ll be able to see how much you’ve accomplished over time. When you see just how far you’ve come after a few weeks, you’ll be able to reflect on that sense of achievement. You’ll be motivated to apply that same effort to other pursuits and continue improving your life.

Are you interested in learning about other holistic methods for managing your mental health? Therapy can help. Reach out to me today to discuss your options for scheduling your first session.