These Are the Most Common Anxiety Symptoms in Women

Recognizing the symptoms of anxiety can be challenging. Everyone experiences anxiety differently. Furthermore, certain anxiety symptoms are more common in women than men. Women deal with different social pressures, and they’re expected to fulfill a separate social role. Dealing with these expectations may contribute to the prevalence of certain symptoms over others.

Understanding what distinguishes a healthy level of concern for the future and clinical anxiety is crucial. If you’re a woman who suspects that you may be dealing with anxiety, learning to identify these widespread symptoms can help you get the support you need. Here are a few of the most common anxiety symptoms in women.

Excessive Worry

It seems obvious that excessive worry would be a widespread anxiety symptom, but it’s worth exploring why so many women deal with this particular symptom. Women often have to take on domestic and emotional labor that demands a significant amount of their time and attention. Even in social or professional situations, women may feel like they’re pressured into performing this labor.

Because lots of women are responsible for the health and wellbeing of others, “excessive worry” can seem like it’s just part of the job, and it can be hard to recognize when it spills over into chronic anxiety.


Irritability and anxiety often go hand in hand. You might feel like you’re about to crack under pressure, causing you to snap at the people around you. Sometimes, dealing with so many stressors can push you to the breaking point.

These feelings have to come out somehow. But it can be tough to open up and ask for help, so you might end up getting irritated at those around you.

Trouble Making Decisions

Lately, you’ve felt stumped every time you had to make a decision. Even small choices can paralyze you with fear. You used to feel confident in your decisions, but now, all you can see are the downsides of each potential choice.

Rather than making a concrete decision, you end up feeling stuck. It can start to feel like no matter what to do, you’ll be in the wrong. Having trouble with decision-making is a common anxiety symptom in women. Sometimes, it can feel like you’ll be judged negatively no matter what you do.

Digestive Problems

Anxiety also brings symptoms that can affect your physical health. For instance, nausea and digestive problems commonly accompany anxiety. You might struggle with a loss of appetite, or you might feel queasy every time you eat. Sometimes, women with anxiety can experience fluctuations in their weight.

This might only make your anxiety worse. You might dread being invited to social events where food will be served. If your digestive problems are severe enough, you may not even realize that anxiety is causing this issue. Instead, you might assume that you have a physical illness causing gastrointestinal distress.


Anxiety can be exhausting. Your list of worries grows, and every situation can feel like you’re walking through a minefield of stressors. When you try to fall asleep at night, your worries keep running through your mind, and you end up tossing and turning for hours. Anxiety itself can leave you feeling run down, as worrying does take up energy.

But combine this with a lack of sleep, and you might feel like you’re too tired to get through the day. You might feel like no matter how long you get to rest, you just don’t have the energy you used to.

Are you struggling with symptoms of anxiety? Working with a therapist can help. Reach out to us today to see how anxiety therapy can help you.