What is Self-Care, really? Ways to Manage Your Anxiety Anywhere

Many people experience anxiety. We experience it from all angles of life (our jobs, our families, worries about the future, and the list goes on!) and therefore need to take a proactive approach to de-stressing. One way to help manage your anxiety and de-stress is to incorporate selfcare…but what is self-care, really?

 It’s fair to say that many of us wish we would make more time to care for ourselves while juggling our busy, oftentimes overwhelming, lives. We’d love to be able to say that yes, we intentionally take the time each week, or even each day, to practice a little bit of self-care to help manage our emotions.

But who has the time to fit in routine massages, spa days, and lengthy brunches? Honestly, not many. So, does that mean that you are doomed to a life of stress and anxiety without any self-care?!

No way.

Self-care is the practice of taking action to improve or maintain one’s health. Oftentimes, we overthink this thinking that in order to practice self-care we must plan something big for ourselves. While that is certainly a form of self-care, it is not the only way to make this a routine practice for some at-home anxiety therapy. Self-care can be much less planned, and even less time-consuming. You can practice self-care for minutes at a time.

Here are some practical and easy ways to incorporate anxiety therapy self-care into your day:

°        Listen to your favorite song

°        Go for a walk outside

°        Snuggle your pet(s)

°        Call a trusted friend or family member

°        Drink water

°        Practice good sleep habits

°        Take a shower

°        Hug (you can’t give one without getting one!)

°        Eat a healthy meal

°        Treat yourself to something (i.e., ice cream, new sunglasses, alone time to journal)

°        Garden

°        Take a nap

°        Meditate

°        Write a gratitude list

°        Light your favorite scented candle

°        Dance it out

°        Take some deep breaths

Much more manageable and attainable, don’t you think?

Remember, it’s not always the amount of time you engage in self-care but rather the intention and consistency you maintain that can alleviate anxiety throughout your day. With all the complex things our minds and bodies carry us through, it’s important that we take the steps to care for it.

Incorporating some of these self-care practices into your daily routine can help you manage your anxiety and de-stress your mind, body, and soul as often as you need it. Afterall, your best investment is you.