How to Cope If Parenting Seems Harder Today Than in Past Generations

Today, parenting can feel relentless. On top of the typical demands of raising children, you’re constantly exposed to “picture-perfect” images of parenthood on social media. It seems like you’re always subjected to advice that you never asked for. Half the time, the guidance you receive is contradictory.

Furthermore, the cost of living continues to rise, stretching your budget for your entire family. As you try to keep up with the high standards for today’s parents, you find yourself under more financial strain.

Your own parents and older relatives tell you that things were simpler when they were raising you, and you suspect that it’s not just nostalgia talking. Things really do seem tougher these days, and you’re not just imagining it.

Here’s how to cope when parenting today seems tougher than for previous generations.

Let Go of Unrealistic Standards

It seems like today’s parents are constantly faced with images of Kodak moments and perfect parenting that they just can’t measure up to. Every time you go on social media, it looks like every other parent is having a much easier time than you.

You wonder if you’re doing something wrong, or if you’re just not trying hard enough for your children’s sake. It’s important to remember that these images are just highlight reels. You never know what’s going on behind the scenes. If you find that social media exposure is affecting your mental health, it might be time to simply deactivate your accounts.

Don’t Try to “Keep Up With the Jones’”

Perhaps you feel like everyone else is financially ahead of you. As you’re scrambling to pay bills, it seems like the other parents in your neighborhood can afford bigger homes, nicer cars, or frequent vacations. Meanwhile, you’re just trying to cover the basics.

Trying to keep up with the Jones’ is a losing battle—you don’t know whether someone is going into debt or putting themselves under financial strain to afford certain expenses. Making frugal choices can teach your kids important lessons about being thrifty and illustrate what truly matters in life.

Trust Yourself

Maybe everyone seems to offer parenting advice that doesn’t line up with your experiences. One friend tells you to do things her way, and another friend will push you to do things his way instead.

In your parents’ day, they might have received advice from their own parents and siblings, and that was it, but today, the entire internet is ready to tell you exactly how to do things. Cultivate trust in yourself to resist pressure. If your children are happy and healthy, you’re already doing a fantastic job.

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help

In the past, every child was truly raised in a village. Their parents had lots of help from grandparents, siblings, neighbors, and other people in their social circle who lived in town and wanted to pitch in.

Today, many parents feel isolated in comparison, as more families live far apart. Think about how you can spend more time with your local friends who have children. Getting together for playdates can help you socialize!

Remember Love is What Counts

Today, there are so many things competing for your attention as a parent that it can be hard to focus on what matters most. Remember, above all else, your children need love. When kids know how loved they are, the rest will fall into place.

As long as you put love first, you’re on the right track.

Are you struggling with the endless demands of modern parenting? Talking to a therapist can help. Reach out to us today to discuss your options for scheduling your first session.