How to Cope with Insecurity About Your Body During Warmer Weather

When you’re dealing with body image insecurities, the warmer months can feel emotionally trying. You might be nervous about wearing a bathing suit in public. You might even feel tempted to skip out on social activities because you don’t feel confident in your body.

As the temperature heats up, you may feel like your own mental health is getting worse. Dealing with pressure from the media and advertising to achieve your perfect “summer body” doesn’t help matters, either.

But you deserve to feel your best this summer, regardless of how you look. Here’s how to deal with body confidence issues when warmer weather is on the horizon.

Find a Fun Form of Exercise

Moving your body in a way that feels good can completely change the way you think about yourself. Focusing on what your body can do, rather than what you look like, can help you let go of your negative feelings about yourself.

You don’t need to train at the gym or play a traditional sport, either! Maybe you’d like to attend some outdoor yoga classes, or if you live near the water, you could try stand-up paddle boarding or other water sports.

Wear Clothes That Make You Feel Confident

You might feel like you need to wear a certain type of clothing in order to look your best this summer or “fit in” at the beach or a pool party. But the truth is that there are no rules when it comes to warm-weather fashion.

If you’ve been digging through your closet, and you’ve realized that you don’t own any bathing suits or summer clothing that make you feel truly comfortable and confident, it may be time to pick out a few new items.

Choose Activities You Love

Just as finding a type of exercise that makes you feel great about what your body can do is beneficial for your mental health, so is finding warm-weather activities that lift your spirits.

By filling your schedule with commitments that make you feel truly excited about the upcoming months, you can shift your focus from your body to all the good things you have going on in your life.

Spend Time with True Friends

Perhaps you’re dealing with body image issues because you’ve been faced with negative comments and criticism from your friends and family. If this is the case, it’s time to re-evaluate some of these relationships. Your friends should love and support you, regardless of how you look.

And even people who make “well-meaning” comments can cause emotional damage without realizing it. Think about how you feel after spending time with certain people. Do they lift you up, or do they bring you down? Evaluate your emotional state before and after hanging out with them. If it’s the latter, you may be better off focusing on making some new friends this summer.

Remember You Deserve Happiness

At the end of the day, it’s important to keep in mind that you deserve happiness and joy. It does not matter what the number on the scale says, or how you look in a bathing suit.

If you have ever been made to feel lesser because of your body, or you’ve been backing out of social events because you don’t feel confident in how you look, it may be time to speak with a therapist. Happiness is your birthright, and it is not dependent on your appearance.

Are you struggling with body image issues and worried about the warmer months? Talking to a therapist can help. Reach out to us today to discuss your options for scheduling your first session.