Midlife Crisis in Women: Signs You’re in the Midst of a Transition

Not everyone experiences a midlife crisis. But many people do go through a period in adulthood when they wonder if they are really on the right path. You might find yourself feeling dissatisfied with your career, marriage, family life, house, friendships, or other areas of your life.

Part of you may want to turn your whole life on its head overnight, while the other part of you worries that it’s too late to change. Women who are taught that there is only one path to happiness may experience a midlife crisis when they realize that they have pushed their own desires aside to fit into other people’s expectations.

There are many stereotypes regarding what a midlife crisis looks like. But these popular ideas don’t always ring true. Here are a few common signs of a midlife crisis for women.

Feeling Numb

In the midst of a midlife crisis, you may feel numb to your circumstances. Even if you’re juggling lots of responsibilities, part of you might feel like you’re simply going through the motions of life. Other people might think that you’ve built an impressive life, or they might be envious of you.

But on the inside, you’re secretly wondering if all the sacrifices that you’ve made are worth it. It may feel as though your life is just passing you by, and you don’t have much agency over what comes next.


Suddenly, you might feel restless. Perhaps your life has seemed stagnant for a while, and you weren’t sure what to do next. But now, you’re ready to shake things up, you’re just not sure how.

You might feel like you’ve been sitting on pent-up energy, and you need to let it out somehow. Yet because of your many responsibilities, you don’t feel like you can act on your restlessness.

middle aged woman sitting at her desk smiling at camera

Intense Nostalgia

When you’re going through a midlife crisis, you might start looking back on your life and missing your old self. Maybe the responsibilities that come along with marriage, parenthood, homeownership, or senior positions at work are weighing down on your hard.

You might miss your old carefree self and wish you could switch places with her. You may find yourself getting lost in nostalgia on a day-to-day basis.

Questioning Past Decisions

As you reflect on your life, you might start dwelling on big decisions you made that led you to where you are now. You may wonder if you should have pursued a different degree, or tried to break into a different field.

At times, you might even question your current relationship. Asking yourself whether your partner is really the one for you might be keeping you up at night. You might think about what your life would look like if you had moved somewhere else, or if you had kept up with certain hobbies that you used to love.


A mid-life crisis can inspire impulsivity. You might find yourself acting on ideas and spontaneous thoughts that you would have pushed aside in the past. A little impulsivity and spontaneity aren’t always a bad thing. But if you’re recklessly spending money, doing things that are dangerous for your health and wellbeing, or making choices that could hurt others, it’s time to take a step back.

Working with a therapist can help you figure out how to chart a course forward that honors your true self without making risky choices that you can’t take back.

Do you suspect that you’re on the brink of a midlife crisis? Working with a therapist can help. Reach out to us today to discuss your options for scheduling your first session for women’s counseling.