Subverting the Myth that Women Lose Value as They Age

Society teaches women that they should fear aging. This fear is promoted in many forms. It can include advertising for anti-aging skincare, warnings from well-meaning older relatives who want you to get married by a certain age, or movies starring older men with younger female co-stars as their love interests.

Sometimes the messaging is subtle, and at other times, it’s overt. Over and over again, women are taught that they lose their power as they age, and their value declines as their lives go on.

But this message couldn’t be further from the truth. A woman’s value does not have an expiration date. In fact, many women find themselves feeling happier and more comfortable with themselves as they age. Here’s why the idea that women lose power with age is false.

What’s Behind This Myth?

First, it’s important to understand that this myth isn’t just rooted in outdated beliefs. It’s also pushed for marketing reasons. If women were taught that they deserve self-love at every age, companies that push beauty products and anti-aging solutions would not make much money.

Businesses make millions of dollars off of women’s fears about aging. When you see content that promotes this idea, stop and ask yourself if you really need a product to make you look younger —and who is trying to make money off of your insecurities.

Losing Self-Consciousness

Contrary to these damaging messages, getting older can actually be quite freeing. When you’re young, it’s natural to feel deeply concerned about other people’s opinions. But as you age, you realize how little impact their opinions really have on your life.

Furthermore, you learn to trust yourself because your decisions are based on decades of life experience. You don’t necessarily feel like you’re just stumbling in the dark and trying to figure things out.

Gaining Wisdom

With time comes wisdom. As the years pass, you’ll realize how everything you’ve experienced in life, from your accomplishments to your mistakes, has taught you something. If you’ve worked in the same field or stayed committed to the same hobby for a long time, you might be considered an expert.

Perhaps you’re a leader in your community, or you’ve seen your children grow from toddlers to confident and capable adults. All of these moments have instilled new knowledge in you.

Leaving a Legacy

Now, you have the power to leave a legacy. When you were younger, you were figuring out your path in life and trying to find a way to contribute to something bigger than yourself. Today, you know what you can pass on.

With aging comes the ability to leave a legacy. As a woman, you can inspire young girls to achieve their dreams and chase after their ambitions. You have lots to teach younger people, and knowing that you’ve motivated people in a positive way can be very gratifying.

Finding Joy

Finally, it’s worth noting that there are so many ways for women to find joy later in life. You might have more time to spend with your lifelong friends, or you may have opportunities to meet new friends who are by your side throughout this new chapter.

If you’re getting closer to retirement, you may be able to travel more often, try out new hobbies that you never considered before, and learn new skills. You never have to stop growing and changing—you can always embrace new sides of your personality. You still have the power to surprise yourself.

Are you struggling to embrace aging? Working with a therapist can help. Reach out to us to discuss your options for scheduling your first session for women’s counseling.