Take the Pressure Out of Packing: Tips for Decreasing Stress Before Your Vacation

There’s nothing better than taking a nice, relaxing vacation. Who doesn’t love having a few days off from work to unwind at a beautiful destination? But sometimes, it can feel like planning and packing for a vacation sends your stress levels skyrocketing. Maybe you’ve started to wonder if taking time off is actually more trouble than it’s worth, especially if you tend to get anxious about your travel plans going awry.

By making a plan for packing, you can ensure that you have a smooth departure. With these stress-free packing tips, you won’t have to worry about forgetting important items. Here’s how to let go of that pre-trip anxiety.

Make a Comprehensive Packing List

Your first step is creating a comprehensive packing list. You can add a few different categories in order to keep track of all of your items. For example, you might add categories for clothes, toiletries, technology, entertainment, first aid, and more.

By separating items into categories, you’ll think about what you use in your everyday life, and what you’ll definitely need to bring on the trip. As you go through your list, you can check off each item to track your packing progress.

Double-Check for Important Items

Once you’re done packing, take a peek into your suitcase, backpack, or duffel bag again. Spend a few minutes double-checking for important items that you simply can’t forget. This is also a good time to open your wallet and make sure that it contains your credit cards, debit cards, ID, and any insurance cards that you need to have on hand.

Basically, think of anything you would not be able to replace at your destination if need be, and then make sure that you’ve definitely packed it.

Give Yourself Plenty of Time

Don’t start packing an hour or two before you need to leave for the airport. Doing so could very quickly lead to a moment of panic. Instead, start packing up the night before you have to leave, at the very latest. This should give you lots of time to pack up in an organized fashion, check your bags to ensure that you haven’t forgotten anything, and get a good night’s sleep before you head out in the morning.

Prepare for Surprises

When it comes to travel, nothing ever goes perfectly. Don’t put any pressure on yourself to pull off a vacation without a single hitch or mishap. The truth is that some minor things probably will go wrong when you’re out of town, and that’s just part of traveling!

By allowing yourself to relax and accept that you might face a small roadblock or two, you might not feel so stressed out. Just because your vacation isn’t perfect at every moment, doesn’t mean you won’t have a great trip.

Remember You Can Buy Things at Your Destination

When you’re packing, the fact that you might forget something can have a negative impact on your mood. Keep in mind that except for big-ticket items like your laptop, or important personal items like your credit cards, you can buy almost anything else that you might need at your destination.

Remembering this might help you feel a bit calmer. Just make sure to set up a travel alert for your credit or debit cards if necessary. And if you’re headed overseas, you can exchange currency at your local bank in advance so that you’ll have some cash on hand when you land!

Is stress holding you back from making fun plans for the future? Talking to a therapist can help. Reach out to us today to discuss your options for scheduling your first session.